With spring coming, we are reminded of the many projects that we have unfinished, both personally and professionally. Everything from closet organization to writing that CLE article looms before you. But how do you tackle it? Here are some tips that I have found motivating to spring myself out of a funk and into action:
Break Things Into Time Chunks
Often, starting a task can be the hardest part. If a task seems overwhelming and stressful, many of us procrastinate. “I don’t have time to finish that now, so I will just look at it later.” And later never comes. Instead of resorting to the all-too-familiar procrastination method, break up your task into chunks. First, make a list of all the things you need to do to complete the task. Then, devote a short amount of time, be it five minutes or one hour, to one of the steps. For example, if your entire closet overwhelms you—as often happens to me—put a timer on your phone and spend five minutes reorganizing one section.