The Austin Bar Association is proud to recognize our 2023 Austin Bar 100 Club Members. The following firms, government agencies, organizations/schools, and corporate legal departments have 100 percent membership in the Austin Bar.
The Austin Bar 100 Club is a distinguished membership that reflects a commitment to the advancement of the legal profession and involvement in the community. The Austin Bar 100 Club consists of firms with four or more attorneys that have 100 percent participation in the Austin Bar. Recognition is free and given to the 2023 Austin Bar 100 Club members at, in Austin Lawyer, and at our Annual Meeting in the fall.
The Austin Bar 100 Club is FREE recognition and open for renewal annually. We do not automatically renew an organization’s membership due to changes in attorney rosters each year.
It’s not too late! To become a 2023 Austin Bar 100 Club member, submit your request via email and include a list of all lawyers in your Austin-area office to Billy Huntsman, Your list will be verified with our member records, and if your firm is eligible, it will be added to the 2023 Austin Bar 100 Club!
Thank you for your support of the Austin Bar Association!
Alexander Dubose & Jefferson LLP
Allensworth Law
Almanza, Blackburn, Dickie & Mitchell, LLP
Andrews Myers, PC
Armbrust & Brown, PLLC
Barnes Lipscomb Stewart & Ott PLLC
Barnett & Garcia, PLLC
Barron, Adler, Clough & Oddo
Blazier, Christensen, Browder & Virr, P.C.
Board of Law Examiners
Bollier Ciccone, LLP
Boulette Golden & Marin L.L.P.
Bracewell LLP
Brim, Robinett Cantu & Brim
Brink Bennett Pargaman Atkins & Sanchez
Burnett Turner, PLLC
Burns Anderson Jury & Brenner L.L.P.
Butler Snow LLP
Cain & Skarnulis PLLC
Cantilo & Bennett, L.L.P.
Chamberlain – McHaney
City of Austin Law Department
Coffin Renner LLP
Coldwell Bowes L.L.P.
Cook Brooks Johnson PLLC
Cornell Smith Mierl Brutocao Burton, LLP
Dalrymple, Shellhorse, Ellis & Diamond, L.L.P.
Davis & Wright, P.C.
DeShazo & Nesbitt L.L.P.
Doyle & Seelbach PLLC
DuBois, Bryant & Campbell LLP
Dykema Gossett PLLC
Eichelbaum Wardell Hansen Powell & Munoz, P.C.
Enoch Kever PLLC
Evertson & Sanchez PC
Friday Milner Lambert Turner, PLLC
Fritz, Byrne, PLLC
Giordani Baker Grossman & Ripp LLP
Gjerset & Lorenz, L.L.P.
Goranson Bain Ausley
Graves, Dougherty, Hearon & Moody
Gray & Becker, P.C.
Greenberg Traurig, LLP
Hanna & Plaut, L.L.P.
Herring & Panzer, L.L.P.
Hopper Mikeska, PLLC
Howry, Breen & Herman LLP
Jackson, Sjoberg & Townsend
Kaplan Law Firm, PLLC
Kelly Hart & Hallman LLP
Kirker Davis
Kuperman, Orr & Albers, P.C.
Lloyd Gosselink
Locke Lord
Martens, Todd & Leonard
Martin, Disiere, Jefferson & Wisdom, L.L.P.
McGinnis Lochridge L.L.P.
McKool Smith, P.C.
McLean & Howard, L.L.P.
Metcalfe Wolff Stuart & Williams, LLP
Minton, Bassett, Flores & Carsey, P.C.
Mitchell, Williams, Selig, Gates & Woodyard P.L.L.C.
Munsch Hardt Kopf & Harr, P.C.
Naman Howell Smith & Lee, PLLC
National Trial Law
Noelke Maples St. Leger Bryant, LLP
Osborne, Helman, Scott, Knisely & Stanton, LLP
Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP
Potts Blacklock Senterfitt, PLLC
Reed Claymon Meeker Krienke & Spurck PLLC
Reeves & Brightwell, L.L.P.
Richards Rodriguez & Skeith, LLP
Richie & Gueringer, P.C.
Scott Douglass & McConnico
Shearman & Sterling LLP
Sheehy, Ware, Pappas & Grubbs, P.C.
Slack Davis Sanger L.L.P.
Soltero Sapire Murrell, PLLC
Streusand, Landon, Ozburn & Lemmon, LLP
Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts
Texas Department of Motor Vehicles
Texas Workforce Commission
The Carlton Law Firm PLLC
The Chapman Firm PLLC
The Supreme Court of Texas
Third Court of Appeals
Thompson Coe
Thompson Salinas & Londergan, LLP
Travis County Attorney’s Office
Travis County Civil Court
Travis County Criminal Court
Travis County District Attorney’s Office
Travis County Office of Child Representation
Travis County Probate Court #1
Weisbart Springer Hayes, LLP
Winstead PC
Wright & Greenhill, P.C.